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In the Spotlight

By Don T. Mashak

List #Republicans funded by @BillGates. #MAGA #BlueDog #Conservatives #GOP 

91% of 2022 #GOP voters believe #Republican #RINOs won’t keep campaign promises.Constitutional #Conservatives now realize #RINOs are complicit with #DINOs in overthrowing US #Constitution& advancing #Rothschilds’ #Progressive #Globalist coup (rebrand.ly/Progslaugh).#RINOs& #DINOs are all loyal to Rothschilds,#Soros& #Rockefellers. Failure to Repeal&Replace #Obamacare, lack of good faith challenge to #Election2022& #RINO #McConnell’s refusal to fund #MAGA& #TeaParty candidates are major foundation&basis for this assessment of 91% of GOP voters. 

@LexitMovement1 #conservatives #MNCD6 @MNGOP @MNCD6gop #Military #2A #AmericaFirst @TimCast @ninoboxer @AmyMek @w_Terrence @Patr1ot_p @WETHEPEOPLETALK @WayneDupreeShow #Boomers #GenX #Millennials #GenZ #college #highschool #FFA


Definitive Guide To Debunking Every #J6 Lie!

Like #Hitler, & the Kings #WeThePeople revolted from, US #Progressive #Globalist Elites(rebrand.ly/ProgsLaugh) intend to ESTABLISH #TRUTH FOR THEIR SUBJECTS. US #Congress to install #Pillory& #Stocks soon. #MAGA #BlueDog #Conservatives #GOP #Trump #RINOs #DINOs #NaturalRights #FreeSpeech #1A #Crowder #Boomers #GenX #Millennials #GenZ #teen #college #HighSchool #FFA #Election2020 #RayEpps #propaganda #censorship #coup #FBI #infiltration #AgentProvocateurs

Those were my thoughts. 

Thank you for your time. 

In Liberty, 
Don Mashak 
The Cynical Patriot 
Rt 1 Box 231 
Albertville MN  55301

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