In the Spotlight
By Jordan Conradson
Published December 9, 2022

The Arizona GOP Executive Committee unanimously passed a resolution last night, calling on RINO Ronna Romney McDaniel to resign from her position as RNC Chairwoman over her failures in the 2022 Midterm.
As The Gateway Pundit recently reported, Ronna Romney McDaniel retreated in the face of voter fraud and suppression in Arizona’s Midterm Elections and fled the state after the corrupt and uncertifiable election.
At least 30% of the voting tabulators did not work in Maricopa County on Election Day.
Voters were locked out of voting rooms. They were told to vote elsewhere, then told to return to their original precinct. The printers were broken down. They were tossing ballots in boxes, and black bags and mixing them with counted votes.
This is a clear case of voter suppression.
The results in the state MUST BE DECERTIFIED!
Ronna was also nowhere to be found after the stolen 2020 Presidential Election.
Kari Lake and her attorneys are fighting this battle for fair elections. But the GOP went AWOL again.
The Gateway Pundit reported that Kari Lake will be filing a lawsuit today against the rigged 2022 election that was stolen from the people of Arizona.
Despite her efforts to destroy the Republican Party, The GOP establishment is trying to keep Ronna Romney McDaniel in charge.
Last night the Arizona GOP sent out a press release calling on Ronna Mcdaniel to resign from the RNC by a unanimous resolution.
Read the full resolution below.

The Republican Party of Arizona formally calls on Ronna Romey McDaniel to resign as Chair of the Republican National Committee
(ARIZONA) Tonight, the Executive Committee of the RPAZ unanimously passed a resolution to support fresh and bold leadership as RNC Chair.
We challenge every state committee to meet and tell their RNC Members how they expect them to vote in January at the RNC reorganizational meeting.
Read the full resolution here:
Synopsis: The formal resolution to call for Ronna Romney McDaniel’s resignation and support for a new and fresh leader as RNC Chair.
WHEREAS, the mission of the Republican Party of Arizona is to conduct the activities of the Republican Party of Arizona, to promote Republican principles and policies, and to support the election of Republican candidates in national, state, and local elections in affiliation with the Republican National Committee (RNC), the Rules of the RNC and the RNC platform;
WHEREAS the responsibility of Republican leadership in the Republican National Committee (RNC), the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is to hold these elected officials accountable to winning and supporting ALL of our Republican candidates in General elections by all means possible;
WHEREAS the leaders in these organizations, including the Republican National Committee, did not effectively execute on this responsibility in 2022;
WHEREAS the ONLY pathway to presidential victory in 2024 is through Arizona;
WHEREAS the grassroots activists of the Republican Party of Arizona are committed to working hard in 2024 to deliver the state back into the Republican column for President.
WHEREAS Ronna Romney McDaniel publicly told members of the RNC that she would not seek another term;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Arizona hereby formally calls on the resignation of Ronna Romney McDaniel as Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee and thanks her for her tireless work for the past 6 years;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Arizona calls on the members of the Republican National Committee to elect new and bold leadership in the January 2023 meeting in order to recast a courageous vision to contrast with the disastrous failing policies implemented by the Biden Administration.
All local GOP factions must follow the lead of Arizona to ensure strong Republican national leadership is elected in January 2023.
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