UPDATE: Those “missing” SCORE voters that invalidated my petition were “found” after all

In the Spotlight

UPDATED on 30th October 2023: https://www.fox21news.com/news/local/heavy-police-presence-near-bessemer-park-avoid-the-area/?

Jim Grant’s Facebook page 

UPDATE: Those “missing” SCORE voters that invalidated my petition were “found” after all. THEY WERE ALL RIGHT THERE IN THE SCORE DATABASE- ALL FOUR OF THEM. Reporters have them. Will the reporters start receiving intimidating phone calls from a lawyer? The Chief Counsel to the Secretary of State’s interpretation of residence requirements also legitimized my petition, clear as day:

https://vimeo.com/838465330/e6991ce127?share=copy Time marker 33:30-33.05

Here’s a synopsis.

BAD news? NOT surprised? After decades of living, I was still naive and stupid enough to believe that facts and truth matter and determine justce in the world. 

The judge ruled against me. He would not let me use some of the names who signed my petition because “they are not in this database called SCORE,” to which the public has no access and therefore cannot be used to verify signatures. 

The names that got thrown out are long time residents and registered voters of D49.

I have to accept their word that my signers are not in the SCORE database, because we did not get to see the evidence. We had to go digging for the evidence after the trial, evidence that disproved their claims.

The DEO claimed under oath that she couldn’t find the signers’ names. She searched for these names remotely, not in court in person, and the court took her word as “credible.” 

But a patriot who has a subscription to the SCORE database pulled those names up easily. The County Clerk office provided SCORE voter records for the names that the DEO couldn’t locate in the SCORE database. Was the DEO coerced or is she complicit? 

The court judgment to my petition conveniently excluded many of the salient points presented by my lawyer, but contain many of the exact accusatory words from the opposing counsel who was hired by Brad Miller and paid for by D49 tax dollars. 

Brad Miller hides behind another lawyer any time dirt is exposed. 

 Verifiable FACT:


That’s it. I was set up to fail from the start. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the corruption in D49 led by Brad Miller, Peter Hilts, John Graham, Rick Van Wieren and Lori Thompson, five self-proclaimed Christian Constitutional Conservatives. 

Is this all to hide 10 years of failing our children academically? Or the indoctrination that Hilts is slipping in?  Or to hide the spent monies on programs that somehow cannot get the kids to read/write/do math?  CDE reports these scores but the administration and the board call me  “liar” when I report them. 

People who don’t rubber stamp somehow back off or disappear after a while. Bullying? Threats? Intimidation?  I have physical proof. 

Who are the Consigliere(s) and who are the “Useful Idiots?”  

I hope you start caring because the rampant corruption has to stop. Ultimately, our children pays the  heavy price.😭







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