The Maldive Islands 🌴🌴🌴Bandos Resort Heaven on Earth 🌞

By Sumiitra Yiohan Sooriaarratchi

We spent a week in the Maldives and it was an amazing trip. They have done a great job with the tourism industry in the Maldives and I can’t wait to go back!!!

The islands are amazing and the aquatic wildlife is everywhere. You just can’t go wrong with visiting the Maldives.

Here’s the whole song by Weezer in case you love this song ha ha. 😄


Here are some videos:






The local food in the Maldives is really good and mostly tuna fish 🐟based. Amazing and totally delicious.

Barabo Mashuni – Pumpkin with Tuna Sambal


One of the staff at Bandos told me that if the dish below called Garudhiya is cooked further for a longer period of time it turns into another dish known as Rihaakuru.

Garudhiya Tuna Fish Clear Soup – Also delicious. 😋
Kulhimas – Spicy Tuna Fish Dish


Bandos Resort Spa
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