Thai Italian Fusion: Spaghetti Aglio Olio e Peperoncino with Rosemary Chicken & Other Accompaniments

29th December 2023

By Home Cook Sharmini Jayawardena 

This fusion meal comes on top every time it’s made. People love it. The three components are rosemary chicken, fried potato and a salad of your choice. It’s always nice to have a salad including Parmesan cheese. Here I have two different types of salad, though there are more. Romaine lettuce and grated Parmesan cheese is another option.

Rosemary chicken with spaghetti and a bell pepper salad

Here is the preparation with spaghetti aglio olio:

Rosemary chicken, spaghetti aglio olio e peperoncino, salad with tomato, Parmesan cheese and basil leaves, fried potato

How to Make Spaghetti Aglio Olio:

  • Boil a skillet full of water with a few spoons of extra virgin olive oil and a few teaspoons of sea salt.
  • When it comes to a boil, add the spaghetti to it and let it boil to Al dente. (Not well done).
  • Cook the spaghetti until all of the water is consumed.
  • Place in a large bowl.
  • Fry chopped garlic and birdseye chilli flakes in extra virgin olive oil and pour it over the spaghetti and toss it to combine.
Spaghetti aglio olio peperoncino

How to Make Rosemary Chicken:

  • Marinade the chicken in white wine and black pepper powder.
  • Fry smashed whole garlic cloves in olive oil and add the chicken to it, Allow to fry and add some water to it, then cover and cook.
  •  Open the lid and fry until golden brown.
  • Fry chopped garlic and chilli flakes in extra virgin olive oil and add to chicken. 
  • Add fresh rosemary tips and toss. (I used home grown rosemary).
  • Check for seasoning.
Rosemary chicken

To Make Fried Potato:

  • Wash russet potatoes thoroughly and cube it with the skin on.
  • Deep fry in coconut or any vegetable oil. Drain and set aside
  • Fry chopped garlic and chilli flakes in extra virgin olive oil and add to potatoes.
  • Add fresh rosemary tips and toss. 
  • Check for seasoning.
Fried potato

To Prepare the Salad:

  • Wash and cut tomatoes into lean wedges. Tare fresh basil leaves. Cube Parmesan cheese. Add a dash of brown sugar, and a few pinches of black pepper powder. 
  • Fry chopped garlic, chilli flakes in extra virgin olive oil and add to Salad. Toss.
  • Check for seasoning.
Tomato, Parmesan and basil salad
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