My Fairy Dwellings in the Making


By Sharmini Jayawardena

Its been 2 years since I started getting interested in and making a miniature fairy dwelling and other miniature items like chairs accessories and clothing for fairies.

It all started with one of my loved one’s imploring me to find her a solution to the many problems she was facing in her life!

I said to her: “Ok, I will send you a list of ways you can handle them in the form of a hand book with fairies in mind!”

And, there it was, my Hand Book for a Fairy came into being just like that in 11 pages dedicated to each problem all of succinctly worked out solutions.

I’m yet to make the hard copy which I meant to work on right after I wrote the Hand Book. But alas, it’s yet to be as I have been involved with other exigencies.

I’m unable to share it in the blogazine either coz it’s imperative that the hard copy is completed first. I have this cool idea in mind to make the book in the form of 11 leaf shaped leaflets bound together with a thick hemp twine with the pages decorated in numerous birds’ feathers and pressed flowers (which needs to be preserved), stickers and sketches of butterflies ladybirds seashells and so on. All paraphernalia to be found in Fairyland.

However I jumped the line and started with making this amazing fairy dwelling which you see above.

At around this time I was checking out Pinterest and found these beautiful fairy dwellings and items posted by hobbyists. This is how I really got drawn into making the fairy items. But what I made was nothing like anything you find in any of the Apps.

Mine is a stilt house fairy abode (built in the manner of real houses in the South East Asian region where I live) with preserved twigs and the inner space lined with shinny paper with a ceiling fan and a bed topped with pigeon dawn and rug beneath to complete a tinseled effect.

From being just a house for one or two fairies it worked out into a Fairy Inn (meaning the fairy is “in” and it is really a “Fairy Inn”) with many activities afforded to the fairies who fly by.

Right now there is a fairy pond for swimming in, a bouncing net suspended beneath the house, a garden with an Adirondack chair and bench all ready for afternoon tea โ˜•๏ธ; a hammock, bean bag, dream catcher and a gazing ball for forecasting the future, not forgetting the bottle cap toadstool.

Indeed the future is going to be bright at the Fairy Inn with the coming of a real natural landscape in the offing with a toy tire swing and who knows what else.

Here are some pix to show you how it looks right now so that we can see the before and after of what it really turns into when it does, hopefully soon.

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The fairies too will emerge soon.

I guess my involvement with Fairyland is an extension from the time I was a Brownie or Little Friend. We were divided into these groups: Fairies, Pixies, Elves and Gnomes.

My recent interest in the fairies has helped me connect with different dimensions and help mentally communicate with friends and even make tangible objects surface through real people among others.

These last comments may be difficult to perceive if you are too gravitated but think about it: who knew something called the internet would ever be a possibility.

In the same way I believe teleportation, extra sensory perception or ESP and so on are already a reality (or should I say virtuality ) and it’s only another extension of technological advancement as it were, I would like to think.ย 

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Foundation for a stone fairy dwelling already in place

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Accessorized fairy hanger and fairy gown

Photography by Sharmini Jayawardena

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